There is nothing better than Shakespearean drama with Radiohead or along with the classics. How do you think? and still Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.
- Nom: Nia Blue
- Âge: 22
- Allumer:
I love cats, a lot of chocolate, parties and of course wealth. I love Legolas, Lestat, Constantine and Obi-Wan Kenobi.and of course my favorite game Mortal Kombat.
- Catégorie: Amateurs
- Ethnicité: Blanc
- Morphologie: Mince
- Taille de poitrine: Normal
- Longueur des cheveux: Court
- Couleur des cheveux: Auburn
- Nickname: NiaBlue
- Platform: Livejasmin
- Évaluation:4.22
- Privé de: $
2.99 $1.5(-50%) - Tags: ASMRCapture d'écranDanseFootsexNaturelPiercing
Nia Blue 22 y.o. Mince Flirt chaud