Hello! I am a young and creative person, an actress by vocation, and I love meeting new people! Every day is an opportunity for me to express myself and share my passions with you. Let's explore the world of art and self-expression together! I look forward to chatting with you, sharing my thoughts and maybe even singing together! Let's make this evening unforgettable!

  • Nume: Stefania Stales
  • Vârstă: 21
  • Porniți:

    I love sweets.

  • Categorie: Amatori
  • Etnie: Alb
  • Tip de Corp: Slab
  • Mărimea Sânului: Normal
  • Lungimea părului: Lung
  • Culoarea părului: Negru
  • Nickname: StefaniaStales
  • Platform: Livejasmin
  • Evaluare:
  • Privat de la: $0.98
  • Etichete: Captură